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Craig Intelisano,
Proactive Environmental Products
A release of brine water to the underlying groundwater occurred when the plastic liner of a gas well drilling reserve pit was destroyed by a flood. The 20,000 ft2 reserve pit was backfilled and a 4-inch monitoring well was installed near the center of former pit. Groundwater was encountered at 39 feet below ground surface (bgs) and the based of the aquifer was encountered at 75 feet bgs. Two separate screened intervals were installed in the monitoring well so that the upper and lower portions of the aquifer could be tested independently. The monitoring well was developed by pumping 765 gallons of water at a rate of approximately 3 gpm using a submersible pump and a generator as no electricity is available at the site.
On November 30, 2006 an Abyss pump was installed at 70 feet bgs (approximately 32 feet below the groundwater surface) in order to recover salt-impacted groundwater from the base of the aquifer. A small rubber disk was installed five feet above the pump to partially isolate the target zone. The pump was connected to a series of marine batteries that were being charged by an array of solar panels. This configuration was taken from another project (as a unit) and is believed to supply much more energy than was actually required for the Abyss pump which pulled only 2.1 amps at start-up. The discharge hose for the pump was located at the top of a 500-bbl tank such that the total hydrostatic head was approximately 60 feet. The recovered groundwater contains approximately 6,500 mg/L chloride (approximately 10,000 mg/L total dissolved solids).
The initial Abyss pump operated continuously from November 30, 2006 to April 29, 2007 (3,600 hours) recovering approximately 162,000 gallons. It was replaced on May 1, 2007 with a new pump, which has operated continuously as of the date of this memo. Our intentions are to replace the motor and seals of the original pump so it can be utilized when the second pump fails. The Trident Environmental technician, as well as our client on this project has been pleasantly surprised by the performance of this pump.
Senior Geologist
Trident Environmental
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